10. Leverage Retainers During Large-Scale Crafting Projects
Retainers are ideal for large-scale crafting operations, especially if you need to craft in bulk for things like housing projects, endgame gear crafting, or collectibles.
Stockpile and Sell: If you're working on a large project, such as crafting full sets of high-end gear for a specific class or crafting a series of unique furniture pieces, use your retainers to stockpile and sell completed items as you progress.
Diversify Your Crafting: Use multiple retainers to Final Fantasy XIV Gil list different parts of your crafting project. For instance, one retainer could sell materials, while another sells the finished gear or furniture pieces, ensuring all aspects of your project are covered.
By using retainers strategically, you can ensure you're constantly making gil from your crafting and gathering efforts without being tied to the Market Board all the time. Set up your retainers to handle high-volume items, adjust prices for competitive sales, and Final Fantasy 14 Gil for sale keep them well-stocked with in-demand goods. This 24/7 sales strategy is key to maximizing profits and keeping your crafting business thriving in FFXIV.